slave into ruler

 Slave into ruler

we may have a good  dreams and very positive vision about ourselves and that built a great expectations in life and we always wonder everything is opposite in reality and that always breaks our heart everytime, sometime it kills inside us very badly.

Do you know a man called joseph in Bible? When he was very small young man his dream was very good about himself ,his dream was about that he is getting good respect among his family members like a ruler .But after his dream his brothers hated him and even sold him ,his brothers want him to be seperated from thier family,Joseph has to suffer so much without his family he was sold as slave to an unknown country ,without knowing language and people ,he worked as a slave in that country ,he was honest and obedient to his master, even then he was punished for the mistake that he didn’t do, after that  he had

to spend his time in jail he was all alone no one to care but only GOD.

Suddenly the day of his dream came, he was called by the king of egypt were he had experienced a great nightmare the day before the night and could not know the interpretation(meaning) and that was the time king came to know about joseph who fears GOD and has the gift of interpreting dreams

So he called him to interpret his dream and after his interpretation king was astonished about his wisdom and his dream interpreting gift and he made him as a ruler all over Egypt.

In our lifes we have so many questions sometimes we don’t want accept the reality when we suffer we even doubt the promises of GOD but remember a thing the sufferings your going through will leads you to the dream of your success all you have to do is TRUST IN GOD WITH PATIENCE
