Are you tiered of everything about the things that happening around you and being cornered by everyone with no reason here is the message  for you.I would like to remind a man called elijah in bible who had not hesitated to stand before all his people like an one man army and who at the end became an eye opener for everyone.

Elijah is a prophet, in his period people are confused to serve baal and God so God wants to teach lesson for people with elijah . so elijah called every prophets of baal (they were nearly 850 members)he callenged them .He asked them to find two bulls for each for the sacrifice, they have to place the bull on the altar and cut them into pieces and they should not make fire to burn the sacrifice instead they have to pray and bring the fire from heaven and burn the sacrifice, which God brings fire from the heaven and burn the sacrice would be the real God to serve and everyone accepted the challenge and now the prophets of baal praying to thiers from morning till noon but there was no answer from heaven .At the time of evening sacrifice elijah made everyone to come near to him and started building the altar with 12 stones and he put the wood in order and placed the bull above that and cut  into pieces and he poured 4 barrels of water thrice on the bull and he prayed to God to bring fire from heaven  and suddenly fire appeared from heaven and consumed burnt sacrifice ,wood ,12 stone ,water dust .When all the people saw this they fell on thier faces and said THE LORD, HE IS THE GOD.

 All you have to understand is don’t hesitate to tell the truth before the people when you have proof it does’nt matter whether they listen to you are not.


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