Benjamin is the last son of Jacob, he was named as “Benoni” by his mother and which means the son of my misfortune and his mother died. His father jacob named him benjamin which means the son of the right hand.

When Jacob was in his last days he gathered all his sons and blessed them when it comes to benjamin he blessed him that “Benjamin is a ravenous wolf;in the morning he devours the prey,in the evening he divides the plunder (Gen 49:27).

When Joseph became a minister of all over the Egypt he  gave portions to his brothers for benjamin he gave five fold him compared to his other brothers.

When Moses blessed every tribe of israel when it comes to tribe of benjamin h

e blessed that “Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him,for he shield him all day long,and the one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders”(Duet33:12).

Why God gave so many blessings to Benjamin it is clearly said that “He will devour the prey in the morning and in the evening he divides the plunder” which means he will share his plunder with his brothers that means he had been given so many blessings to share with his brothers .

In the period of king xerxes there was a girl named Ester who was an israelite from the tribe benjamin she was a captive later she was chosen as a queen over 127 countries .she was the one who saved her own people from a minister Heman who planned to kill all jews in one day.

If God is giving you a great authority and blessing over the people which means God has chosen you as a saviour for people so  try to help people with your good deeds and try to act accoding to the will of God.




