
                                                    BENJAMIN    Benjamin is the last son of Jacob, he was named as “Benoni” by his mother and which means the son of my misfortune and his mother died. His father jacob named him benjamin which means the son of the right hand. When Jacob was in his last days he gathered all his sons and blessed them when it comes to benjamin he blessed him that “Benjamin is a ravenous wolf;in the morning he devours the prey,in the evening he divides the plunder (Gen 49:27). When Joseph became a minister of all over the Egypt he  gave portions to his brothers for benjamin he gave five fold him compared to his other brothers. When Moses blessed every tribe of israel when it comes to tribe of benjamin h e blessed that “Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him,for he shield him all day long,and the one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders”(Duet33:12). Why God gave so many blessings to Benjamin it is clearly said that “He will devour the prey in th
  OBEY GOD Hi there! Have you ever experienced of being stuck in between two people and don’t know whom to support the same happened in man’s life and lets see what he did. In the olden times there was a king of moab named balaak  and he was terrified with the people of israelites for they are mighty and they got victory from all the battles they went,so this king wanted to defeat the people of israelites, so he planned to get help from a man named balaam who is a well known prophet and his speciality is whom ever he blesseth will be blesssed and whom ever he cureses will be cursed so the king sent his messengers to him to call him and curse this israelites and he thaught it will be easy for him to defeat the israelites ,the messengers went to balaam’s ho use and called him, he said them to stay in his house for they  came at night and he went to pray ,God said him that he should not go with the messengers for the people of israelites are blessed and also God insisted that the poeple w
  ONE MAN ARMY Are you tiered of everything about the things that happening around you and being cornered by everyone with no reason here is the message  for you.I would like to remind a man called elijah in bible who had not hesitated to stand before all his people like an one man army and who at the end became an eye opener for everyone. Elijah is a prophet, in his period people   are confused to serve baal and God so God wants to teach lesson for people with elijah . so elijah called every prophets of baal (they were nearly 850 members)he callenged them .He asked them to find two bulls for each for the sacrifice, they have to place the bull on the altar and cut them into pieces and they should not make fire to burn the sacrifice instead they have to pray and bring the fire from heaven and burn the sacrifice, which God brings fire from the heaven and burn the sacrice would be the real God to serve and everyone accepted the challenge and now the prophets of baal praying to thiers from

slave into ruler

  Slave into ruler we may have a good  dreams and very positive vision about ourselves and that built a great expectations in life and we always wonder everything is opposite in reality and that always breaks our heart everytime, sometime it kills inside us very badly. Do you know a man called joseph in Bible? When he was very small young man his dream was very good about himself ,his dream was about that he is getting good respect among his family members like a ruler .But after his dream his brothers hated him and even sold him ,his brothers want him to be seperated from thier family,Joseph has to suffer so much without his family he was sold as slave to an unknown country ,without knowing language and people ,he worked as a slave in that country ,he was honest and obedient to his master, even then he was punished for the mistake that he didn’t do, after that  he had to spend his time in jail he was all alone no one to care but only GOD. Suddenly the day of his dream came, he was ca